Project Details

Project Title EU Breach Xaldoon Project Project Last Updates --------
Start Date 2023-06-01 End Date 2026-12-31
Starting Year 2023-06-01 Ending Year 2026-12-31
Project Value 6202000 Currency USD
Description Somalia has been facing multiple obstacles in developing and implementing durable solutions to effectively address in internal displacement. Jubaland is among the most drought-hit states in the nation with over 62,361 drought displaced individuals in Luglow Settlement and 134,381 in Doolow Town as at September 2022. The government is keen on relocating IDPs at a high risk of eviction and flooding from Kismayu to Luglow where there may be better housing, better access to water and health, and access to agricultural opportunities. However, displaced communities in Luglow and Doolow still lack adequate access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities. The large number of IDPs in these towns also stretches existing social amenities far beyond capacity, limiting people’s access to basic social services. According to the National Durable Solutions Strategy (2020-2024) report by the Federal Government of Somalia, comprehensive collaboration between development, humanitarian, and peace-building actors can be instrumental in addressing the root causes of displacement in the nation and the resulting consequences. The strategy for this project is built around five significant strategic goals intended to tackle the diverse challenges experienced by displaced populations and ultimately contribute towards improving the health and quality of life of dislocated persons within Somalia.

Project Locations

# Location Funds Percentage
1 Luglow and Doolow 100%

Project Sectors

# Sector Funds Percentage
1 Development 100%

Project Funders

# Funder Name
1 EU

Project Implementors

# Implementor
1 International Organization for Migration (IOM); Concern Worldwide (CWW), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Gargaar Relief Development Organization (GREDO), Juba Foundation; learning partner Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat (ReDSS)

Project Disbursements

# Type Financial Year Amount Currency Exchange Rate
1 Development 2023 6202000 USD USD

Project Documents

# Name Download
1 EU Breach Xaldoon Project Download