Project Details

Project Title Integrated Life-saving Assistance to the Displaced (Protection, WASH and Health sector Project Last Updates --------
Start Date 2023-05-01 End Date 2023-12-31
Starting Year 2023-05-01 Ending Year 2023-12-31
Project Value 4447372 Currency USD
Description  Reduce GBV and Child Protection risks to conflict and disaster-affected women and girls through improved GBV prevention, response and psychosocial services with enhanced coordination and information sharing and Comprehensive child Protection services.  Reduce the mortality and morbidity of children under five and pregnant and lactating women due to malnutrition through the provision of preventative and curative services.  Provide emergency lifesaving WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene services to IDPs and vulnerable host communities.

Project Locations

# Location Funds Percentage
1 Lower Juba 100%

Project Sectors

# Sector Funds Percentage
1 Integrated WASH, HEALTH and Protection 100%

Project Funders

# Funder Name

Project Implementors

# Implementor

Project Disbursements

# Type Financial Year Amount Currency Exchange Rate
1 WASH, HEALTH and Protection 2023 4447372 USD USD

Project Documents

No documents for this project