Project Details

Project Title Barwaaqo Project Last Updates --------
Start Date 2023-01-01 End Date 2027-12-31
Starting Year 2023-01-01 Ending Year 2027-12-31
Project Value 5000000 Currency USD
Description The project is aligned with the World Bank Group Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for the Federal Republic of Somalia (FY19–22) (Report No. 124734-SO) discussed by the Board on September 25, 2018. The project supports priorities in the two Focus Areas: (1) Strengthening institutions to deliver services; and (2) Restoring economic resilience and opportunities. Ongoing governance programs will be strengthened to improve the provision and quality of key social services and resilience in Focus Area 1, while economic resilience will be increased in Focus Area 2 to provide a base upon which durable poverty reduction and inclusive growth strategies can be made. The CPF is aligned with the development priorities set by the government’s 9th National Development Plan (NDP9), the Drought Impact Needs Assessment, Recovery and Resilience Framework, and the other individual Sector Strategic Plans. The Performance and Learning Review of the Country Partnership Framework, concluded in September 2022, introduced a new Focus Area 3, focused on strengthening resilience to support Somalia’s resilient recovery and capacity to respond to shocks. Focus Area 3 includes an expanded objective on strengthening rural resilience and food security, which this project embodies.

Project Locations

# Location Funds Percentage
1 Jubaland 100%

Project Sectors

# Sector Funds Percentage
1 Development 100%

Project Funders

# Funder Name
1 World Bank

Project Implementors

# Implementor
1 ministries

Project Disbursements

# Type Financial Year Amount Currency Exchange Rate
1 Development 2023 1579000 USD USD

Project Documents

# Name Download
1 Barwaaqo Project document Download